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Right way of presenting the design to the client:-You must have heard about these words - "Jo dikhta hai vo bikta hai"  which means - “what is visible, sells”. It is a very common saying and very true for our industry. 


More the good content which is visible to the audience, more they will be attracted towards you. Today I will teach you few steps to present your design to your audience.

Its very important to ask certain questions before you could jump into space planning. These questions are not only for the client's to answer but to also gives you direction to initiate space planning of a house. 

Please note, these questions are mainly oriented towards space planning of a house, but if you are referring for any other purpose, few of the questions can be relevant as well.


1. Location of the site & orientation of the plot.

Before you initiate space planning of a house, you should be aware where the house is located so that the space planning, material selection and vegetation could happen according to the natural aspects like wind flow, sun diagram.

2. Dimensions of the plot & width of the roads around the plot.

Without the dimensions of the plot, its almost impossible to design the house and width of the roads plays a very important in knowing the height of the building.

3. No. of members of your family and their description.

Its a very important question to ask before initiating space planning of a house. No. of members of the house helps in designing the bedrooms, living area and dining area. Their description helps in identifying how the spaces are going to reflect their day to day routines and habits.

4. Are their existing trees on the plot? If any, I would like to retain them and use them as an advantage while designing the house.

Our role as an architect and interior designers is to retain as many trees as possible and making the layout work according to the natural surroundings. 

5. Do you believe in Vaastu?

Vaastu is a very personal and optional choices of the client. Some believe in the same and some don't. So you should always ask your client this question before starting with the work.

6. Requirements on each floor.

You should know how many bedrooms are required on each floor? Whether the kitchen has to be open or closed? Is lift required? Dumbwaiter required? How many floors to be constructed? and lot more. There are lots of questions which should be asked before starting the layout. Answer to these questions will help you plan the layout as per their requirements.

7. Please send me surrounding images, it would help me to design places accordingly.

Knowing what is around the plot is very important as the house can be modified according to the surrounding buildings and plots.

8. Reference picture of the kind of houses you like or planning this house to be.

Every client has a different taste when it comes to planning of a house. Hence, you should always ask for reference images before you initiate space planning of a house. 

I hope above questions will help you design better and well planned.