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You must have heard about these words - "Jo dikhta hai vo bikta hai"  which means - “what is visible, sells”. It is a very common saying and very true for our industry. 

1. Layout should be self explanatory.

Your layout should speak for itself. It should be well dimensioned, labeled, color coded for flooring pattern, plants, trees, grass, water, windows, doors and as much as you can.

2. Material Board / Theme

Along with your layout, you should have all the materials ready with a theme and story. Your design should have a path with story ready when presenting your design to the client.

3. Mood Board

You should always explain your designs to the client with reference images, those images could be from internet or you can create and style your on images. These images help clients to understand the planning and imaging how the space is going to look like.

So these are the major 3 steps you need to keep in consideration before presenting your designs to the client. These steps help the client to completely understand the design and also help in visualizing the same.

Moreover, do try to present the designs physically with all the materials present with you so that they could touch and feel the same and also be more enthusiastic and pumped up while presenting the same. This creates surprise and passion in whole process.

I hope you found this article interesting.